What are the traits of a successful salesperson?
We are salespeople, we work with salespeople and we develop salespeople. We have seen a diverse range of sales capability; the naturals, the keen and to be honest, those that just don’t have ‘it.’ So, what is ‘it’? When you ask individuals what they think makes a good salesperson, they tend to list the attributes rather than skills. From our many years of experience, we have found that natural and successful salespeople are those who are hungry to succeed. They want to do well, not just for the potential financial gain, but also for the personal sense of achievement and to demonstrate to their peers that they are good at what they do. They are optimistic characters who see opportunities, not problems. They turn negatives into positives and thrive on challenge. They are also good listeners, understanding the buyer’s needs and finding a solution or opportunity within it. They empathise and build relationships and trust between themselves and the buyer. Trust is also built when the they deliver on their promises and take responsibility to ensure their buyer is satisfied and, therefore, more likely to return. But this doesn’t mean bending over backwards for an easy sale. The good salesperson understands that the deal needs to benefit not just their organisation, but also the customer and shopper/consumer. They are focused on delivering a mutually beneficial outcome. These core attributes are key to being a successful salesperson, but without clear business strategies and fundamental sales skills, even the best of the best can lose direction and miss opportunities. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that leaders are communicating what the company strategy and goals are so the sales teams focus on the right areas; and that companies equip their teams with the toolkit and techniques to do it successfully. So, do you consider yourself a good salesperson? Do your sales teams have the attributes they need, but lack some core skills and direction? Do you see potential that could improve with some sales coaching and guidance? Don’t be shy, be hungry to succeed, seize the opportunity, listen to the needs and create an environment where your teams can flourish. Contact us now to see how we can help you release your potential on help@pureblueocean.comInfo