
Provide capability programmes that make a tangible difference

Learning and development is fundamental, not only in providing your employees with the skills required to do a good job, but also in motivating, engaging and retaining them. Symonds Research & Training studies found that the first 90 days are especially important, i.e. during the onboarding and engaging of new employees. If employees don’t feel that they are getting the resources and support they need, a staggering 45% of new employees will leave a company.

Proper training can also dramatically improve your businesses turnover and profitability. If employees are trained effectively, they will be more successful in their role – selling in more products, creating better margins etc. Businesses can also reduce their overall employee salary costs through a more refined and retained workforce. It stands to reason that if you have 10 highly well-trained and efficient employees, they can often do the same as 15 untrained, unmotivated, and uninspired employees. Not having to re-hire also saves time and money.

Providing quality capability development opportunities also gives you the chance to attract a higher calibre of employee. Ambitious and high-achieving employees often care about career development, and being seen as a good training provider builds a positive reputation as a good employer, meaning the high flyers will want to join your organisation.

So, take a moment to reflect, are your teams equipped to do a good job and are they motivated to stay with your business? A small investment can result in your people becoming more focused, more efficient and more effective both internally and externally, creating an environment that brings out the best in people and translating in turn into better bottom-line performance. That has got to be worth it, surely?

Check out Pure Blue Ocean’s range of capability programmes. We recognise that one size does not fit all; which is why we provide both bespoke capability programmes, that we design based on a customer’s strategy, products and infrastructure; and also Bitesize programmes for those that want instant, modular learning in Bitesize affordable chunks:

  • Bespoke programmes, customised for your business: Our bespoke range of capability solutions and aids don’t solely rely on just classroom learning. All our bespoke capability programmes ensure we put theory into practice, with on the job training and reviewing current live examples of customer challenges
  • Bitesize programmes, affordable modular learning: which might be more suitable for SME’s, new start-ups, or larger corporations with a limited training budget offer a range of programmes in core selling, negotiation, marketing, category management and also Insights Discovery.
Get in touch to discuss the best capability programmes for your business at
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