
Lead with insight to drive value for you and your customers

Consumer insights refer to the understanding and interpretation of consumer behaviours, preferences, motivations, and needs based on data and research. They provide valuable information about consumers' decision-making processes, attitudes, and perceptions, helping businesses gain a deeper understanding of their target audience.

Consumer insights are therefore crucial for brands as they provide a foundation for customer-centric decision-making. By leading with consumer insight, brands can create products, services, and marketing strategies that align with customer/retailer needs, drive growth, and foster long-term success in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Providing solutions that are led with insight also enhances supplier and retailer relationships for a number of reasons:

  • Demand forecasting and inventory management: Consumer insights provide valuable information about consumer preferences, buying patterns, and trends. This knowledge helps suppliers and retailers accurately forecast demand and manage their inventory effectively. By understanding what consumers want and when they want it, suppliers can align their production and delivery schedules to meet the anticipated demand. Retailers can also optimise their stock levels and range based on consumer preferences, ensuring they have the right products available when customers are most likely to buy.
  • Collaborative product development: Consumer insights enable suppliers and retailers to collaborate on product development initiatives. By sharing consumer insights, suppliers can understand the specific needs and preferences of the retailer's consumer/shopper base. This collaboration helps in designing and developing products that cater to the retailer's target audience, leading to more successful product launches and increased consumer satisfaction.
  • Category management and range planning: Consumer insights play a crucial role in category management and assortment planning for retailers. By understanding consumer preferences, retailers can tailor their product offerings and range to meet customer demands effectively. Consumer insights help in identifying which products are most likely to sell, which categories are gaining popularity, and which ones may need adjustment. This data-driven approach improves the relevance of the product mix, maximises sales opportunities, and enhances the overall shopping experience.
  • Customer-centric marketing and promotions: Consumer insights help suppliers and retailers create more targeted and effective marketing campaigns and promotions. By understanding consumer behaviours, preferences, and motivations, suppliers can collaborate with retailers to develop marketing strategies that resonate with the target audience.
  • Building long-term partnerships: Consumer insights foster stronger relationships between suppliers and retailers. By sharing valuable consumer data and insights, both parties demonstrate a commitment to understanding and meeting the needs of the end consumer. This collaboration and transparency build trust and encourage long-term partnerships based on mutual success. Suppliers and retailers can work together to analyse consumer insights, identify opportunities, and jointly develop strategies (or JBP’s - Joint Business Plans) that benefit both parties.
So, ensure your organisation is leading with consumer insight, as not only does it improve retailer relationships, drive growth and efficiencies, it also delivers enhanced value to the end consumer and shopper.

If you want to find out more about how to lead with insight. Get in touch at
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