How to take others with you on your journey
Being a leader, doesn’t necessarily mean you are at Director or Board level. Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximises the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal. This takes place within any level of an organisation, regardless of title or pay grade.
Being a leader can sometimes be a daunting thought. Leading others to a goal or task can be challenging, particularly for those that are not naturally comfortable being at the front. But then, being an effective leader doesn’t require attributes such as extroverted, or charismatic, nor do they have the need for a loud voice. In fact, some of the most effective leaders, lead from behind, empowering and trusting in others, yet supporting them to the end goal.
The key to achieving the end goal, is ensuring everyone is on the same journey and path as you. Sharing the goal or vision means everyone knows where they need to get to. Involving them in building that plan on how to get there, means it is owned by them too and are engaged and enthused in making it happen. How you share the vision, determines the overall success of delivery. For example, sending an email to the masses of major organisational changes does not demonstrate an empathetic leader. Consider the impact on the audience and tailor your approach accordingly; what are the fundamental messages that you need to get across, why is it important to them, what is the benefit and what is the most effective way of communicating this? For instance, engaging with colleagues on a new way of working face to face, discussing the process and its benefits, is more likely to be successfully implemented if they have had opportunity to ask questions. Sharing a vision in person means individuals are involved and therefore will live and breathe and imbed the vision into their working day.
Sharing, owning, living and embedding should also be cyclical. Ensure you revisit the goal regularly to determine its success. There may be variables that need to be considered, or new individuals that need to be informed or simply new targets that need to be achieved and therefore new plans that need to be made. Whatever the change, take others with you, share the goal, gain their input and commitment and ensure you are all on the same path for your journey.
We can help you to ensure everyone is on the same path and get to the end goal. If you would like to find out more please contact us on: help@pureblueocean.com