Don’t forget your well-being and mindset
It goes without saying that we are all experiencing a lot of change currently. Changes to our working lives: whether that be working remotely or working on site with a raft of new rules and distancing measures. Changes to our family lives: all being under the same roof 24-7 and possibly, no longer just a parent, but teacher as well; and changes in our now distant relationships with the wider family and friends. You would be forgiven if you found all this change rather overwhelming and sometimes just too much to deal with. The global lockdown is taking a toll on mental health, with recent polls in many countries showing rising rates of stress and worry, and for some, quarantining has resulted in symptoms of depression. Whilst we are all being vigilant in trying to avoid catching Covid-19, we should be equally attentive of our well-being and that of others. As lockdown eases, we will go through another round of change, and for some it will be a stretch to socially interact again and fully eliminate concerns of catching the virus. There are a few steps we can take now that will aid us in the current lockdown and prepare us once lockdown is eased: Firstly, be virtually social. Seeing other people, even on a computer screen or phone, will help you connect as you see their facial expressions, hear their tone of voice and engage in eye contact. Having a conversation with someone else helps stimulate your brain as well as reminds you how to listen, ask questions and contribute. So, if you used to go out with colleagues or friends on a night out, arrange to do it virtually. It gives you something to look forward to and keeps you connected. Be present – look at what is really happening here and now. Being mindful means you consider others as well as yourself. If you have the right frame of mind, you will portray a more positive impact with everyone you are working with. Your mood casts a shadow, so consider how you come across. You will then be able to identify who may need support from in or outside of your organisation. Helping others will also aid in your well-being as it gives a feel-good factor and distract you from your own pre-occupations. Be grateful – Despite the challenges we are facing, there is always someone facing more. Put the situation into perspective and be grateful for what you have. A home, food on the table and hopefully our health. Pure Blue Ocean recognises the importance of the right mindset, if we can support you or your colleagues, please contact us at help@pureblueocean.comInfo