Do what you say you will do
When you hold yourself accountable, those around you know you can be counted on to complete your responsibilities or follow through on your promises. When you do what you say you will do, you build credibility. This may sound obvious, but yet there are individuals and organisations that do not deliver what they promised. Why - Too busy? Forgot? Not possible now? These are all rather pathetic excuses: Think you are too busy – organise yourself and prioritise. Evaluate what is the cost of not doing something that you promised. You could end up loosing all the credibility with your colleague or customer that you took so long to build. Forgetting to do something in the modern world of technology where at every turn you can set reminders, really isn’t an excuse. You just make the let-down recipient feel unimportant and not on your priority list. And if something isn’t possible anymore. Let the person you promised know; don’t stick your head in the sand and assume it will go away. Circumstances change, people know this, so let them know and present an alternative. Delivering on what you say you will do, goes a long way in relationship building. It forms trust and respect. It is also a matter of personal integrity; holding yourself accountable. Taking pride in delivering on your promises means you are more likely to progress and succeed in work. You will be liked, respected and be seen as a reliable individual that people want to be associated with. It makes both the short term and the long term so much easier! So, every time you are interacting with colleagues or customers, be sure to consider how you are being perceived and note and deliver on the commitments you have made. Every time you send an e-mail, make a telephone call, exchange information, meet your customer, or make a promise, you create a footprint, an impression about you and your business. This leaves a history or set of experiences which condition each following interaction. Like or not, this colours every engagement – so ensure it is the impression you intended. We work with our customers to ensure they think about all the customer touchpoints, their impact and their influence. Contact us to find out more: help@pureblueocean.comInfo