Creating a working environment where your teams can innovate
Firstly, let’s be clear on what we mean by innovation. Innovation isn’t just about ‘ideas’ and product development, it is more holistic than that. It’s about solving problems. – Creating new processes to improve efficiency, reorganising a company structure to enhance performance, and yes, it could be building a new brand or service to meet the needs of consumers or customers. Innovation is key to driving business, and employee, growth. So how do you create that ideal, highly creative, working environment for your teams to innovate?:- Let your teams take risks - Risk is an inherent part of encouraging creativity and seeking out innovation to enhance your businesses' competitive advantage. Don’t micromanage employees, but do empower them to make bold decisions, and push them to take smart and calculated risks, when appropriate.
- Learn from mistakes – Not everything goes right every time. The key is to fully evaluate why something didn’t work and share those learnings with the wider organisation, so no one makes the same mistake again. Also, look at the positives, in every challenge there is opportunity.
- Look to the present and future, not the past - Often our ideas are limited by what worked or didn't work in the past. Instead of offering that it won't work because "we've tried it before," shift the line of questioning to: what do we need to do to make it work. This will help shift mindsets and uncover true innovation.
- Create a culture that encourages experimentation - A supportive work environment is also one where success is applauded. Provide opportunities for your teams to shout about the great things they have achieved, such as a "brag board" and encourage innovation with ideas boards or idea incentives. Also, don’t forget to celebrate as a team on the big wins.
- Look at your competitors – There is nothing wrong with looking at what your competition is doing. You can learn from their approach and how they operate; but be sure to consider all the angles, and how it might differ or impact your business.
- Strive for process improvement - Often we think of innovation as introducing something new. However, some of the most effective innovations resulted from changing how we do something we're already doing. Process improvement is a place ripe for the need for innovation, as all too often, we continue to do things in a certain way, as we have always done it!